Thursday, August 7, 2014

Kissing Coal

You know those moments when you read a part of the Bible you've read countless times before, but something clicks and it all makes sense like it never has in the past? I had one of those moments today.

I'm reading through Isaiah, and I got to the part where Isaiah is given a commission by God. I've heard the story before. God sends Isaiah to go to His people to tell them that they have been disobedient to the Lord, and that they will be destroyed. Some people listen and change their ways, but the nation, as a whole, does not.

I've always been stuck on the story of Isaiah warning a nation of what's to come, and completely missed some incredible imagery written to sanctify the reader.

Of course, we read the elaborate description of the seraphs (flying creatures with with six wings: two covering their face, two covering their feet, and two used for flying) who constantly cried out "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory." And, at the sound of their voices, the doorposts and the thresholds shook. I've always been baffled by these creatures. But, as I kept reading, I discovered even more beautifully scripted imagery.

In verse 5, Isaiah cries out, "Woe to me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty." Then a seraph took a coal from the alter and flew to Isaiah. He then touched the coal to Isaiah's lips and said, "See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for."

What a beautiful picture of how God purifies us. The live burning coal symbolized fire's ability to refine and purify. Isaiah realized how unclean he was before the Lord, and submitted himself entirely to God's service. He was then told his sins were forgiven.

This picture is so encouraging for me. As an unclean, lust-filled, world-seeking man, I sometimes feel worthless to be given a task by the Lord. But when I confess the sins I daily fall into, He is constant in purifying me.

Purification can be painful. Before we accept God's call to speak for Him, we must be cleansed. We must be purified to truly represent our pure and holy Father.

Here's to a glance at a day in my life,

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

A Messy Redemption

Two years ago, this very day, I moved to Fayetteville. I've learned so much the past 2 years.

I learned how to be patient. I learned what a true friend looks like. I learned how to be an uncle. I learned true heartbreak. I learned how to move on. I learned about my insecurities. I learned how to be vulnerable. I learned about the Holy Spirit. I learned what it looks like to be discipled. I learned about my true identity. I learned that I am not defined by my past. I learned I am not defined by other people. I learned that I love long boarding. I learned that I love college students. I learned that I love telling people's stories.

The list could go on. For days really. I came to Fayetteville a broken, ready to be molded human. God was so sweet to instantly provide the Christian community I so desperately needed. Through my community and my mentor, I was able to spiritually grow at an exponential rate. And through graduate school, my knowledge also grew. I soon found that I am extremely passionate about telling stories.

I'm officially done with graduate level classes, and now completing my thesis (defending in November) arguing the effectiveness of social media in the church. And, by the grace of God, was just hired by New Heights Church as the Digital Media Director. I oversee all social media, and get to produce videos for the many ministries in the church. I get to tell people's stories.

I say all of this not to boast, but to express my gratitude to Jesus. Before moving to Fayetteville, I pretended to have it all together. I was kidding everyone. Even myself. I was blind to the sin in my life and the desperate need for change. It was only when I fell face-first before the Lord in complete surrender that I was able to be stripped of all pride and selfishness. I was able to be molded once again.

I've still got a long way to go, but I'm learning daily how to surrender to Him, how to be vulnerable, and how to be intentional with the people around me.

God uses the messiest of people to do His work. I'm proof of that. Don't think you are worthless because of your past. Give your past to Jesus, and allow Him to work through it. You won't regret it.

Here's to a glance at a day in my life,