Thirty is a long time to be on this earth, and I’ve experienced a lot of life.
Here are 30 things I’ve learned and need to remind myself. And hopefully it can encourage you.
1. It’s not in your circle.
It is not worth it, or even healthy, to try to take on other people’s….everything. You can’t control what others will think, how they will react, or how they will even treat you. You can only control what you think, how you act, and you treat yourself and others. You are in your circle, everyone else is not.
2. Grieve.
When bad things, unexpected things, hard things happen….cry. Scream. Laugh. Paint. Run. Sing. Dance. I don’t care what you do, just grieve it. The more you suppress the pain, the more you are going to try to numb it.
3. Love people well.
It really takes no effort at all to compliment someone. It’s simple to tell someone you care. It is so beyond easy to look at someone and see a human in need of a friend. The world is a much better place when you just love the people around you. Regardless of race, gender, abilities, disabilities, status, possessions, we are all humans just trying to figure out life.
4. Kiss your mom.
Losing a parent is something I wish no one would have to experience. But we do. If I could just sit in a room with my mom I’d be overjoyed. But while you still have living parents, kiss them. Hug them. Tell them you love them. They won’t be around forever, and you will miss all the annoying, quirky, funny, awful, lovely things about them.
5. You are not Jesus.
Looking back at my life there have been numerous times I’ve been a mentor to younger guys and girls. And in almost every situation I had to check myself. Rather the Holy Spirit would check me. I always need to be reminded that I am not Jesus. I am to be like Jesus as I follow His teachings, but I’m never ever called to be Jesus. I do not convict. I do not judge. I am to love people for who they are, and I let Jesus work on their heart. It takes off so much pressure when we adjust our perspective of who Jesus is, and who we are.
6. Be a good friend.
Check on your people often. Sometimes you just need to drop everything you’re currently doing to drive across town and pick up a friend from the auto shop. Sometimes you need to just hold a friend when they aren’t okay. Remember people’s names. Their birthdays. Their favorite food. The way they take their coffee. Know their story. Know their pain. Celebrate their achievements.
7. Read often.
Podcasts are great, but read a freaking book. Or a blog. An article. A magazine. Just read something. Let the magic of writing take you places. (might I suggest Harry Potter)
8. Travel the world.
I love so many things so it’s hard for me to really pinpoint what I’m passionate about. But I know for sure that I am passionate about traveling. Go experience new places. Climb a mountain. Zipline down a volcano. Surf the Malibu waves. Get a parasite in a 3rd world country. Hike through the jungle and get an infection on your neck. Dance with the natives. You will never regret it.
9. Journal
I’m bad at this, but champions adjust. Write things down. Tell your stories. Journal your thoughts. Capture your favorite Bible verses, quotes, and jokes. When people speak things over you, write them down.
10. Try new foods.
Know what you like, but do not be afraid to try new things. Even if it smells bad. Looks disgusting. Moves even when you don’t touch it. Try it.
11. Be friends with people who aren’t like you.
Growing up in a small town taught me nothing about being different. We were all the same. Yes, different to an extent. But we were all culturally the same. I’ve learned more from my friends who grew up differently, experienced life differently, and look different than I have from my friends who are just like me.
12. Be Political.
Just because something is hard and confusing doesn’t mean we should ignore, neglect, or run from it. Know what is going on in the world. Take a look at other people’s point of views. Be teachable. Have humility. Be okay with being wrong. Take an internal inventory and see what you actually believe about humanity, legislation, economics, etc, and see where they line up with political leaders. Not just a particular party.
13. Be careful what you post on social media.
Social media is amazing. But it can also be an ocean of stupid. Think before you post. You could be saying something very offensive toward a particular group of people. You could be saying something awful about yourself. Be passionate, but respectful. Be open to other people’s opinions.
14. Unfollow people on social media.
I used to just accept every friend request on Facebook. Follow everyone back on Instagram and Twitter. And wow… got crazy. I don’t need to see what my 3rd grade best friend made for dinner. I don’t need to read racist comments from the women down the street. I don’t need a play by play of every basketball game that I’m not watching. Unfollow. I promise your life will be happier without seeing those things.
15. Sweat that shit out.
I’ve always lived a relatively active life, but recently I’ve been super intentional about my physical health. Whether it’s stress, unhealthy weight, anger, hard conversations, or any other life occurrence, sweat that shit out. Find a way to sweat in your daily life. It is life changing.
16. Take care of yourself.
I mean, take a shower. Wash your face. Exercise. Get a massage. Meditate. Read scripture. Wear sunscreen EVERY SINGLE DAY. You feel better and can take care of others when you have first taken care of yourself.
17. Go to counseling.
Just get over any stigma you may attach to therapy and get some freaking help. You are arrogant to believe that you don’t need to process life with someone. Jesus used counseling to change my life, and I pray every person can experience freedom from addictions, self-deprecating thoughts, anxiety, depression, and God knows what else like I did.
18. Set goals.
Set goals for your week, month, and year. Make some crazy big goals. Make goals with your friends. Make goals with your family. Make goals with God. Write some things down and go conquer them!
19. Say no.
You don’t have to do it. Whatever it is. Just say no. It doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t mean you’re lazy. It means you have boundaries. And boundaries are healthy.
20. Chase your dreams.
Moving across the country to pursue something isn’t careless. It’s brave. Moving back to your home state when it doesn’t workout doesn’t mean you failed. It means you learned. Keep being bold, and chase the things that give your heart joy.
21. Do things by yourself.
I have such a hard time being alone. But when I do something by myself, I feel recharged. Go to lunch. See a movie. Play your guitar. Go on a run. Do something with you.
22. Laugh your ass off.
Don’t take life too seriously. Laugh at yourself. Laugh with your friends. Make life fun and enjoyable. I love a good long laugh.
23. Care about pollution.
NEVER throw things out of your car window. Don’t leave trash outside. Our world needs to be taken care of, or we won't have a world to enjoy. Clean the oceans. Recycle. And for the love of all things good and holy, stop using styrofoam!
24. Learn something new.
I’m all about moving on to the next hobby. Learn how to paint. Learn how to play an instrument. Learn a new tiktok dance. Learn a new language. We should always be learning something new.
25. Remember that God is good.
Life is so so hard. Horrible things happen everyday. Sometimes we don’t understand why something is happening. But when we rest in the truth from scripture that God is good, we can remain at peace. God is good in the midst of the chaos.
26. Clear your mind.
Whether it’s to yourself or with friends, clear your mind daily. Before you go into work, release the things your mind has been dwelling on. Before you go hang out with friends, get rid of the anxious thoughts. Be present. Before you go take a test, clear your thoughts and trust your mind. When we go into any situation having already cleared our headspace, we can function at our full potential.
27. Get a tattoo.
I mean, you can if you want. But color your hair. Wear fun clothes. Paint your nails. Do things that make you, you. You feel so much freedom when you break through the norms of society and do something that makes you unique.
28. Network yourself.
I truly believe that people want to help people succeed. Meet people, remember their names, and remember what they do. Help them when you can, and let them help you. Using your resources is never a lazy way of doing things. The people in your life will most likely be the connections needed to get you closer to achieving your goals.
29. Be all in.
When you say yes to something, be all in. When you show up to school or work, be all in. When you roll your yoga mat out and begin your practice, be all in. When you're having coffee with a friend, be all in. Intentionality demands respect. You will be a stronger, more driven person when you give 100%.
30. Let your light shine.
My mom would say this to my brother and I every single morning when she was alive. I used to just smile and brush it off as I walked into school, but now I begin everyday with this phrase. We are all light. I truly believe that we all have the ability to smile at someone. We can all give the biggest hug to a friend. We can give the most genuine compliment to a stranger. We can help someone in need. We can speak so much good in the midst of bad and hard situations. We get to be a light in someone’s life today. Take every opportunity to shine.
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
Here are 30 things I’ve learned and need to remind myself. And hopefully it can encourage you.
1. It’s not in your circle.
It is not worth it, or even healthy, to try to take on other people’s….everything. You can’t control what others will think, how they will react, or how they will even treat you. You can only control what you think, how you act, and you treat yourself and others. You are in your circle, everyone else is not.
2. Grieve.
When bad things, unexpected things, hard things happen….cry. Scream. Laugh. Paint. Run. Sing. Dance. I don’t care what you do, just grieve it. The more you suppress the pain, the more you are going to try to numb it.
3. Love people well.
It really takes no effort at all to compliment someone. It’s simple to tell someone you care. It is so beyond easy to look at someone and see a human in need of a friend. The world is a much better place when you just love the people around you. Regardless of race, gender, abilities, disabilities, status, possessions, we are all humans just trying to figure out life.
4. Kiss your mom.
Losing a parent is something I wish no one would have to experience. But we do. If I could just sit in a room with my mom I’d be overjoyed. But while you still have living parents, kiss them. Hug them. Tell them you love them. They won’t be around forever, and you will miss all the annoying, quirky, funny, awful, lovely things about them.
5. You are not Jesus.
Looking back at my life there have been numerous times I’ve been a mentor to younger guys and girls. And in almost every situation I had to check myself. Rather the Holy Spirit would check me. I always need to be reminded that I am not Jesus. I am to be like Jesus as I follow His teachings, but I’m never ever called to be Jesus. I do not convict. I do not judge. I am to love people for who they are, and I let Jesus work on their heart. It takes off so much pressure when we adjust our perspective of who Jesus is, and who we are.
6. Be a good friend.
Check on your people often. Sometimes you just need to drop everything you’re currently doing to drive across town and pick up a friend from the auto shop. Sometimes you need to just hold a friend when they aren’t okay. Remember people’s names. Their birthdays. Their favorite food. The way they take their coffee. Know their story. Know their pain. Celebrate their achievements.
7. Read often.
Podcasts are great, but read a freaking book. Or a blog. An article. A magazine. Just read something. Let the magic of writing take you places. (might I suggest Harry Potter)
8. Travel the world.
I love so many things so it’s hard for me to really pinpoint what I’m passionate about. But I know for sure that I am passionate about traveling. Go experience new places. Climb a mountain. Zipline down a volcano. Surf the Malibu waves. Get a parasite in a 3rd world country. Hike through the jungle and get an infection on your neck. Dance with the natives. You will never regret it.
9. Journal
I’m bad at this, but champions adjust. Write things down. Tell your stories. Journal your thoughts. Capture your favorite Bible verses, quotes, and jokes. When people speak things over you, write them down.
10. Try new foods.
Know what you like, but do not be afraid to try new things. Even if it smells bad. Looks disgusting. Moves even when you don’t touch it. Try it.
11. Be friends with people who aren’t like you.
Growing up in a small town taught me nothing about being different. We were all the same. Yes, different to an extent. But we were all culturally the same. I’ve learned more from my friends who grew up differently, experienced life differently, and look different than I have from my friends who are just like me.
12. Be Political.
Just because something is hard and confusing doesn’t mean we should ignore, neglect, or run from it. Know what is going on in the world. Take a look at other people’s point of views. Be teachable. Have humility. Be okay with being wrong. Take an internal inventory and see what you actually believe about humanity, legislation, economics, etc, and see where they line up with political leaders. Not just a particular party.
13. Be careful what you post on social media.
Social media is amazing. But it can also be an ocean of stupid. Think before you post. You could be saying something very offensive toward a particular group of people. You could be saying something awful about yourself. Be passionate, but respectful. Be open to other people’s opinions.
14. Unfollow people on social media.
I used to just accept every friend request on Facebook. Follow everyone back on Instagram and Twitter. And wow… got crazy. I don’t need to see what my 3rd grade best friend made for dinner. I don’t need to read racist comments from the women down the street. I don’t need a play by play of every basketball game that I’m not watching. Unfollow. I promise your life will be happier without seeing those things.
15. Sweat that shit out.
I’ve always lived a relatively active life, but recently I’ve been super intentional about my physical health. Whether it’s stress, unhealthy weight, anger, hard conversations, or any other life occurrence, sweat that shit out. Find a way to sweat in your daily life. It is life changing.
16. Take care of yourself.
I mean, take a shower. Wash your face. Exercise. Get a massage. Meditate. Read scripture. Wear sunscreen EVERY SINGLE DAY. You feel better and can take care of others when you have first taken care of yourself.
17. Go to counseling.
Just get over any stigma you may attach to therapy and get some freaking help. You are arrogant to believe that you don’t need to process life with someone. Jesus used counseling to change my life, and I pray every person can experience freedom from addictions, self-deprecating thoughts, anxiety, depression, and God knows what else like I did.
18. Set goals.
Set goals for your week, month, and year. Make some crazy big goals. Make goals with your friends. Make goals with your family. Make goals with God. Write some things down and go conquer them!
19. Say no.
You don’t have to do it. Whatever it is. Just say no. It doesn’t make you a bad person. It doesn’t mean you’re lazy. It means you have boundaries. And boundaries are healthy.
20. Chase your dreams.
Moving across the country to pursue something isn’t careless. It’s brave. Moving back to your home state when it doesn’t workout doesn’t mean you failed. It means you learned. Keep being bold, and chase the things that give your heart joy.
21. Do things by yourself.
I have such a hard time being alone. But when I do something by myself, I feel recharged. Go to lunch. See a movie. Play your guitar. Go on a run. Do something with you.
22. Laugh your ass off.
Don’t take life too seriously. Laugh at yourself. Laugh with your friends. Make life fun and enjoyable. I love a good long laugh.
23. Care about pollution.
NEVER throw things out of your car window. Don’t leave trash outside. Our world needs to be taken care of, or we won't have a world to enjoy. Clean the oceans. Recycle. And for the love of all things good and holy, stop using styrofoam!
24. Learn something new.
I’m all about moving on to the next hobby. Learn how to paint. Learn how to play an instrument. Learn a new tiktok dance. Learn a new language. We should always be learning something new.
25. Remember that God is good.
Life is so so hard. Horrible things happen everyday. Sometimes we don’t understand why something is happening. But when we rest in the truth from scripture that God is good, we can remain at peace. God is good in the midst of the chaos.
26. Clear your mind.
Whether it’s to yourself or with friends, clear your mind daily. Before you go into work, release the things your mind has been dwelling on. Before you go hang out with friends, get rid of the anxious thoughts. Be present. Before you go take a test, clear your thoughts and trust your mind. When we go into any situation having already cleared our headspace, we can function at our full potential.
27. Get a tattoo.
I mean, you can if you want. But color your hair. Wear fun clothes. Paint your nails. Do things that make you, you. You feel so much freedom when you break through the norms of society and do something that makes you unique.
28. Network yourself.
I truly believe that people want to help people succeed. Meet people, remember their names, and remember what they do. Help them when you can, and let them help you. Using your resources is never a lazy way of doing things. The people in your life will most likely be the connections needed to get you closer to achieving your goals.
29. Be all in.
When you say yes to something, be all in. When you show up to school or work, be all in. When you roll your yoga mat out and begin your practice, be all in. When you're having coffee with a friend, be all in. Intentionality demands respect. You will be a stronger, more driven person when you give 100%.
30. Let your light shine.
My mom would say this to my brother and I every single morning when she was alive. I used to just smile and brush it off as I walked into school, but now I begin everyday with this phrase. We are all light. I truly believe that we all have the ability to smile at someone. We can all give the biggest hug to a friend. We can give the most genuine compliment to a stranger. We can help someone in need. We can speak so much good in the midst of bad and hard situations. We get to be a light in someone’s life today. Take every opportunity to shine.
“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”
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